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Following Nature's calendar, today we celebrate: 

✨The Spring Equinox

✨Our first day of Spring

✨The NEW Astrological Year


This marks the beginning of SOMETHING NEW! New Life. New Beginnings.  

Are you ready? 

Is there something you've been hesitating to start due to self-doubt and fear?  The sky asks us to have courage and take a leap of faith! 

The Equinox occurs twice a year when the plane of Earth's equator passes the center of the Sun, resulting in the length of day and night being nearly equal all over the world. 

The absolute energy of HARMONY & BALANCE! - available for us to harvest and enrich our lives. As the Sun transitions into Aries, it marks the start of the Astrological New Year. Aries, being the first sign of the zodiac, holds the archetype of the initiator, symbolizing new beginnings, courage, and assertiveness. It's a time to embrace fresh starts, set intentions, and embark on new adventures aligned with the bold and pioneering spirit of Aries.


🌙With Pluto opposite the Moon, we are urged to bring the unconscious into the conscious realm. While we may experience numerous revelations, only those we're ready to embrace will be unveiled to us. 

How can we clear the path to perceive what's necessary? So we can see what we need to see. Let's pay attention to our dreams for guidance. Remember, divine messages often come from unexpected sources. 

🌙Neptune aligns closely with the Sun, both in Pisces. This alignment offers an opportunity for transcendence and invites us to cultivate compassion, fostering harmony in both our individual lives and within our communities. 

🌙As with all things in life, there are dualities. Every planet presents both a light and a shadow aspect, conscious and unconscious energies. While I won't dwell on the negative manifestations, it's essential to be aware of potential challenges:

  • Neptune may evoke tendencies of escapism, confusion, and lack of focus.

  • Pluto's opposition to the Moon can lead to power struggles between personal and collective needs. The key is to find balance, prioritizing oneself while remaining mindful of others' needs.

  • Our values may undergo upheaval, offering fresh perspectives essential for growth and evolution.  




With courage and faith, trust in the journey ahead.

It's time to move forward!


🌼 RITUAL IDEAS 🌼- Spring cleaning (with intention, as a blessing to your home. purging the old.)

- Make a fire. Burn what you no longer want

- Dance: invite flow. invite the NEW

- Plant something new in your garden

- Decorate / paint eggs as a symbol of new life & abundance

Any activity can be transformed into a ritual by infusing it with intention and awareness, thus bringing sacredness. Making it special is about bringing mindfulness and purpose to the moment.


We can honor this energy over the next couple of weeks, so if you're unable to engage in it today, there's still ample time.



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